Latest News | 5 August 2020

Welcome back to Derby film

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Bondholder ‘AV IT Media has produced a film promoting the reopening of the city centre, commissioned by Bondholders Derby City Council, Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter Business Improvement Districts (BIDs).

The video is commissioned as part of the partnership work initiatives spearheaded by the Derby Economic Recovery Taskforce, which welcomes visitors back to Derby city centre.

Produced by Derby’s Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in conjunction with Derby City Council, and created by ‘AV IT Media, the video showcases the range of quality shops, salons and hospitality businesses in the city centre and highlights the key measures taken by both businesses and partners to address concerns around COVID-19.

Martin Langsdale, chair of the Cathedral Quarter and Helen Wathall, chair of St Peters Quarter explained: “We wanted to work with the City Council to produce something visual and vibrant to welcome visitors back to the Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter, and to reassure them that we are all taking measures to ensure their safety.”

The key measures that can be spotted in the video include social distancing signage, hand sanitisers and additional cleansing as well as businesses signing up to the ‘We’re Good To Go’ scheme, a UK-wide industry standard and consumer mark to reassure customers that a business adheres to Government and public health guidance.

Image credits: ‘AV IT Media & Visit Derby

The video also showcases the key attractions to be enjoyed, including the new al-fresco dining experience in the Market Place which opened on Saturday 25th July.

Martin Langsdale and Helen Wathall added: “The overall message is that the Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter is well and truly open for business in a Covid-safe manner and we very much welcome the patronage of visitors this summer.”

Cllr Jonathan Smale, Cabinet Member for Communities, Neighbourhoods and Streetpride said: “Everyone has been working really hard to get the city back ready and open for business. We want to reassure residents that they can enjoy a safe welcome back in the Cathedral Quarter, St Peter’s Quarter and across Derby.

“This video really does showcase the fantastic offer we have in the city and we’re delighted to have been involved.”

The video can also be viewed on the Cathedral Quarter BID website and St Peters Quarter BID website.


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