Latest News | 14 January 2016
D2N2 supports businesses for up to £2m

Up to £2 million in funding could be loaned to businesses looking to grow and create more jobs as part of an opportunity launched by D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership earlier this week.
D2N2 is a private sector-led partnership of business, local authorities, skills and training providers, community organisations and more. The Growing Places Fund (GPF) has been launched to boost the economy with loans aimed at kick-starting stalled capital developments or expansion plans which will directly grow the economy and create jobs.
Loans will be between £200,000 and £2,000,000 and must be to finance capital (building) to help further businesses. They must also be within the D2N2 area, including the administrative boundaries of Derby City Council and Derbyshire County. A previous project which was benefited by the GPF was Bondholder Compendium Living's Castleward housing and commercial development.
The news follows D2N2's announcement of a £300,000 initiative which looks to boost career options for young people by motivating and supporting them to make better informed decisions about their future careers.
To find out more about the Growing Places Fund, visit or to find out more about D2N2's work to promote skills and training visit