Latest News | 21 July 2015

Cricket Stumps Welcome Motorists into City

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Gareth Cure, left, chief executive of Briggs of Burton, and Wayne Madsen, club captain, inspect the stumps.

Gareth Cure, left, chief executive of Briggs of Burton, and Wayne Madsen, club captain, inspect the stumps.

A giant set of cricket stumps has been erected by Bondholder Derbyshire County Cricket Club to greet motorists as they drive into Derby. Fellow Bondholder Idom Merebrook provided engineering consultancy services.

The 6m-tall sculpture at the Pentagon Island aims to boost Derbyshire County Cricket Club's bid for the city to host the 2017 Women's World Cup.

Private donors and 100 businesses have each pledged £500 to become part of the We're Backing the Bid campaign.

“They look fantastic. Hopefully it will help us get the Women’s World Cup to Derby”
— Councillor Paul Pegg, Mayor of Derby

Bondholders backing the bid include Derby Telegraph, Bell & Co, Derby City Council, 3aaa, Idom Merebrook, Office Care, Handelsbanken, HSKS Greenhalgh, Opus, iBox-Security and Black Apricot, as well as Marketing Derby.

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