Latest News | 31 March 2015
Derbyshire Bid for World Cup

Bondholder Derbyshire County Cricket Club is proposing Derby as a city to host the women’s Cricket World Cup in 2017. Launching the bid in front of over 200 businesspeople at a Marketing Derby breakfast this morning, Chief Executive Simon Storey said: “We want to help put the city on the map.”
As part of the bid the club is proposing to install a giant sculpture of six metre high cricket stumps on the pentagon island – the gateway into the city. Subject to planning permission this sculpture will be launched when world cup champions Australia visit the 3aaa cricket ground on 23rd to 25th July.
Derbyshire County Cricket Club has created a hashtag #WereBackingTheBid to build support prior to formal submission of Derby’s case in late summer 2015.
Simon Storey also thanked the club’s funders and partners including Derby City Council and the Derby Enterprise Growth Fund (DEGF) in helping develop the 3aaa County Ground’s infrastructure and community links.