Latest News | 19 June 2023

‘Residential revolution’ provides focus for latest Innovate Magazine

Wavensmere Homes
Matthew Montague Architects
Upbeat Communities
Grainger Plc
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In the latest edition of Marketing Derby’s Innovate Magazine we take a closer look at the city’s ‘residential revolution’.

In recent years, the number of residential developments taking place in Derby city centre has really taken off – and shows little sign of abating.

In the summer edition of the quarterly publication, which provides a window into the amazing and inspiring Derby and Derbyshire business sector, we talk to the major players, who between them are delivering thousands of new homes.

We talk to Wavensmere Homes, the developer behind the stunning Nightingale Quarter and the company chosen to bring forward plans for a residential-led project for the derelict Friar Gate Goods Yard.

We also talk to Compendium Living, the company delivering the £100 million Castleward regeneration project, a stone’s throw from the Nightingale Quarter scheme.

Compendium is a joint venture between the Riverside Housing Group, one of the largest providers of social and affordable housing in the UK, and Lovell Partnerships.

And Innovate also throws the spotlight on other projects in the pipeline, such as Derbion’s plans to create hundreds of new homes on two key city centre sites.

Staying on topic, Innovate sits down with Steven Clark, director of investments (acquisitions) at Grainger Plc, the company behind The Condor apartments scheme in the heart of the city for a Q&A in which he explains how the development is helping to raise the bar in terms of city living.

Some of the featured developers join us for this edition’s Talking Business segment, which focuses on an area of Derby that is ripe for regeneration.

The area around Derby Midland Station is key entry point into the city – but it needs reinventing.

Our panellists discuss the way forward for the area, which could involve creating several new buildings.

A man who knows more than a bit about designing new buildings is Matthew Montague.

This year, his practice, Matthew Montague Architects, is celebrating its 25th anniversary.

Matthew talks to Innovate about his career, how his business has evolved, and the projects he is most proud to have been involved in.

While Matthew excels at designing buildings, a social enterprise that excels at cleaning them is Upbeat Clean.

Crowned Marketing Derby’s Rising Star for 2023 earlier this year, Upbeat Clean, which was founded by Upbeat Communities, provides employment for refugees.

In the latest edition we meet Michael Gladwell and his team of cleaners – and find out why partnering with Upbeat Clean can be a win-win for all concerned.

In this edition of Innovate, we also catch up with Sarah Ball, of Balls2 Marketing.

The business she set up with her husband Andy specialises in helping those who operate within construction and construction products to promote and grow their businesses.

In her interview, Sarah shares her enthusiasm for marketing, buildings, equality, charity – and even all things glazing!

On the subject of enthusiasm, this edition of Innovate profiles the work of an organisation that is actually called ‘enthusiasm’.

Enthusiasm Trust has been working with young people from disadvantaged and deprived homes for more than 30 years.

We meet with its leader, April Allman, who explains how, thanks to the backing of the local business community, the organisation is helping young people and their families develop the life skills needed to enable social mobility.

A hot topic at the moment is the increasing influence of artificial intelligence on our lives.

And in his latest column in Innovate, Marketing Derby managing director John Forkin tries an experiment in which he challenges AI to write a credible piece about Derby’s regeneration. The results are pretty eye-opening!

A digital version of the latest edition of Innovate magazine is now available on the Marketing Derby website at

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