Latest News | 24 July 2024

Rail operator’s ‘talk cards’ prove a big hit

East Midlands Railway
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Hundreds of people have signed up for free cards introduced by East Midlands Railway, which aim to help customers quickly communicate what extra support or consideration they require when they travel.

At the start of this year, the rail operator announced it had created the EMR Talk Cards using guidelines provided by Communication Access UK – an initiative developed in partnership by charities and organisations that share a vision to improve the lives of people with communication difficulties.

Six months on, the firm has issued more than 500 cards to rail users to better communicate their needs to the operator so its staff can act quickly to offer the bespoke service they require.

Examples of the messages on the cards include ‘Where are the toilets?’ ‘Please face me and speak clearly’ and ‘I have a disability, please be patient’ – plus many other prompts.

The reverse of the cards has a section for the customer to include their name and an emergency contact number, should they wish to.

Philippa Cresswell, customer service director at East Midlands Railway, said: “We are pleased by the positive response to our EMR TALK cards.

“We hope they make a difference in helping our customers with communication difficulties while they travel with us.”

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