Latest News | 21 October 2024
Places open for university’s Help to Grow course

The University of Derby is inviting managers and business leaders to be part of its next cohort of students for a course that aims to boost business performance, resilience and long-term growth.
Run by the university’s Business School, Help to Grow, which is 90% funded by the Government, is a 12-week course designed to allow participants to complete it alongside full-time work

By the end of the course, participants will develop a business growth plan to lead their organisation to achieve its full potential.
It combines online sessions, delivered by a University of Derby academic with relevant private sector experience, with face-to-face case study workshop sessions.
It also offers a chance to network with likeminded business leaders, as well as one-to-one mentoring.
The next cohort starts on Tuesday 7 January, with an online onboarding session on Thursday 2 January.
For more information about the course and how to sign up visit