Latest News | 20 June 2023

New city council leader to speak at Derby Property Summit

Derby City Council
Reach Events
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The new leader of Derby City Council will make his first major address to the business community at Marketing Derby’s forthcoming Derby Property Summit.

Councillor Baggy Shanker is among the keynote speakers lined up for this year’s summit, which will take place at Reach Events on Wednesday 12 July.

Organised by Marketing Derby, the Queen’s Award-winning inward investment promotion agency, this year’s event, backed by main event partner Bowmer + Kirkland, will focus on how we can collectively curate our city centres going forward.

Entitled ‘From Customer to Citizen – The Collective Curation of Cities’, the event, which will be attended by more than 250 people, will be chaired by business journalist Declan Curry and will feature a panel debate and a number of keynote speakers, including Councillor Shanker.

Councillor Shanker became the new leader of Derby City Council following May’s local elections in which Labour secured enough seats to form a minority administration, which will be in place for the next four years.

Speaking back in May, shortly after announcing his eight-strong Cabinet, he said: “I am going into the next four years with full confidence that my Cabinet and I will have the best interests of Derby at the core of every decision we take. That said, the hard work starts now.

“Derby is my home. I was born in Arboretum and raised in Normanton, where my parents instilled in me the importance of helping others and equal opportunities.

“We are the council for Derby. I believe people should be listened to and have the chance to share their views, so it’s key that we begin improving communication between the council and the public to deliver a Derby that we can all be proud of.”

Also taking part in this year’s Derby Property Summit will be Paul Simpson, chief executive of Derby City Council.

At the event, Mr Simpson will be taking part in a panel debate, chaired by Declan Curry – sharing his insights into the city’s regeneration strategy.

To find out more about this year’s Derby Property Summit visit .

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