Latest News | 22 November 2022

Key anniversary for Rhodes

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Wealth manager and senior St. James’s Place partner Rhodes Wealth Management is celebrating its 15th anniversary.

The company was founded in 2007 by Adam Rhodes, who started the business from his garden shed during the global financial crisis.

In 2012, he moved into an office on Pride Park, employing his first member of staff who is still in the business today.

Since then, the business has grown significantly and now has 25 staff providing wealth management advice to clients across the county.

Adam said: “Our commitment to developing our people and talent has been pivotal to getting us where we are today.

“Currently, half of our advisers had never previously given financial advice before joining us, and we are delighted that we have a further five advisers currently in the final stages of training to join our team and deliver outstanding client outcomes for a further 15 years and beyond.”

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