Latest News | 25 November 2021

How Helen is bidding to take St Peters Quarter to the next level

St Peters Quarter Business Improvement District
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In line with rules surrounding the operation of Business Improvement Districts, St Peters Quarter BID is nearing the end of its five-year term. Businesses in the area have until 16 December to cast their vote on proposals for the new business plan moving forwards. Here, chair of St Peters Quarter BID Board Helen Wathall outlines future plans for improving the area and what has already been achieved since the BID was first formed.

For the past 10 years, St Peters Quarter Business Improvement District (BID) has contributed to the growth and transformation of the area and its identity is now established and recognised.

Moving forwards, our focus for the third term will be to build on this work so that St Peters Quarter is considered the ‘heart of Derby’ between the Cathedral Quarter and Derbion and a welcoming place for visitors and an attractive place to do business.

Having been involved in the BID since its launch, I believe St Peters Quarter is a place which has a good sense of community but needs a new direction, a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer identity in a rapidly changing world.

The Business Plan has been designed to enable the delivery of activities and positive change, which will instil a sense of pride in visitors and businesses in St Peters Quarter.

It is important to recognise just what has been achieved by the BID in the last 10 years.

These include:

Provision of the BID Rangers who monitor and deter crime and anti-social behaviour – working with police and other partners, as well as supporting businesses on day-to-day issues, welcoming and helping visitors and supporting events and entertainment.

Involvement with key initiatives to address specific issues, such as the Partnership Engagement and Enforcement Programme (PEEP) to tackle substance abuse, rough sleeping and begging in the area; the Re-housing Engagement Support Team (REST); the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commission trauma kit initiative; Storewatch radio scheme; Safer Neighbourhood Days, Wandsafe scheme for evening economy businesses; the Purple Flag accreditation and the new DISC system in collaboration with the Derbyshire Business Crime Reduction Partnership.

Organising events and features to improve the local environment such as tidy days, hanging baskets and planters, Christmas lights and window vinyls.

Providing information about footfall, retail sales and vacancies and organising events and initiatives to improve footfall and support businesses, from the Monster Hero Safari trail to discounted bus travel for St Peters Quarter business employees.

Organising live street entertainment and supporting key city events and initiatives such as Derby Festé, Derby Folk Festival and the Derby Ram Trail.

Providing a wide range of digital and printed marketing materials.

Moving forwards, if businesses vote in favour of the business plan, there will be three key objectives for St Peters Quarter, focused on activities and projects, which will welcome people to the area, promote the businesses and the area and finally providing support to the businesses.

Objective One: Welcoming – this will aim to provide a vibrant, safe and positive experience for visitors and workers in St Peters Quarter.

This includes the continuation of the valuable work of the Rangers in the area, which businesses highly value.

Although issues around crime and safety have improved there is still work to do in this respect to helping make people feel good when visiting the area.

This objective will also aim to build on anything Derby City Council does in respect of making the area look and feel better, with increased floral displays and festive lighting and cleaner streets.

Objective Two: Celebrating – this will aim to promote and celebrate all the great businesses, leisure and heritage, to increase positive perceptions, loyalty and pride in St Peters Quarter.

This objective is very much about looking for the positive messages in the area: new and innovative businesses, businesses with great customer service and celebrating all the area has to offer by way of events, its heritage and the exciting developments of Becket Well and the Eastern Gateway.

Objective Three: Supporting – this aims to represent the interests of businesses and support and encourage their growth, development and investment in St Peters Quarter.

The BID will be working even more closely with Derbion and the Cathedral Quarter in the future to ensure that each is recognised as an important but complementary part of the Derby city centre offer.

The BID will also aim to building relationships with other businesses and organisations outside and inside the area, which have a role to play in increasing the attractiveness and vibrancy of the area.

Although the BID renewal ballot comes at the end of what has been a particularly challenging period for all businesses, St Peters Quarter has much to look forward to – not least because of the major developments and investments which are taking place in and around the area.

The Becketwell scheme will transform a significant part of the city centre, parts of which have lain derelict for decades, and will provide opportunities across the wider area.

The proposed Eastern Gateway, part of the Future High Street initiative, will improve one of the key entrances, while the residential developments of Nightingale Quarter and Castleward will bring more people to the city centre.

This ballot is therefore a unique opportunity to capitalise on these important developments and come together to put funding directly back into St Peters Quarter, with expenditure exclusively on projects that matter to our business community.

In short, we cannot afford to let this opportunity pass us by and we appeal to all St Peters Quarter BID businesses to vote ‘yes’ in the upcoming ballot.

For further information on St Peters Quarter BID and the renewal ballot, please click here.

Alternatively, contact the BID office on 01332 419050 or e-mail

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