Latest News | 26 September 2024

Hospice to offer free wills and guidance advice

Treetops Hospice Care
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Treetops Hospice will be celebrating national Make a Will Month in October by offering free advice on making a will.

Up to two in five Treetops Hospice at Home patients are cared for through a gift in a will.

Julie Walker, legacy and in memoriam relationships manager at the end-of-life charity, said: “After looking after your loved ones, it would be wonderful if you would consider leaving Treetops a gift.

“You may feel that the amount you can afford to leave is too small, but a legacy of any value makes a big difference to the charity and helps us fund hospice care.

“It may be surprising to know that most of our legacies are less than £5,000.

“Last year, the total amount of these together could have provided 152 nights of end-of-life nursing care for patients at home and support for their families.”

Further advice and guidance on wills can be found on a special blog written by Julie at .

Alternatively, contact Julie for more information at or call her on 07769 318433.

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