Latest News | 16 April 2024

Duo share brewing secrets in new book

Derby Brewing Company
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The father and son team at Derby Brewing have launched their first book which reveals the secrets behind their award-winning ales.

Trevor and Paul Harris have written The 8 Secrets To What Makes Great Beer – The Insider’s Guide to Craft Brewing and Beer.

Billed as a ‘brewery tour in a book’ the publication takes the reader on flavourful journey into the world of craft beer.

And it has proven an instant hit with beer fans, roaring up Amazon’s book charts on its opening weekend, hitting the top spot on the ‘Hot New Releases’ chart and No 4 in the overall best selling beer books.

Beer enthusiasts Trevor and Paul both have a rich legacy in the brewing industry and many awards to boot.

The narrative of the book unfolds through decades of experience in the industry, outlining the mechanics of a commercial craft brewery and sharing secrets from their award-winning beers.

However, instead of reading like a brewing manual, Trevor and Paul’s book, features a number of anecdotes.

Multiple award-winning beer writer Roger Protz said: “This is a must-read book for beer lovers and aspiring brewers.

“Trevor and Paul have pooled their experience running breweries and pubs to explain, jargon-free, how good beer is brewed.

“They take readers through the stages of the brewing process and then detail the essential raw materials of malt, hops, yeast, and water.

“The range of malts and hops is portrayed, following guidance on brewing a wide variety of succulent beer styles. Get reading and work up a thirst!”

The book is now available via Amazon Publishing at–4DGpzDrUuc8M73rE-qOM&dib_tag=se&keywords=8+secrets+to+what+makes+great+beer&qid=1712132423&sprefix=8+secrets+%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1 .

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