Latest News | 20 August 2024

College hails ‘outstanding’ A Level and T Level results

DCG (Derby College Group)
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Derby College Group has paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of its students after announcing “outstanding” A Level and T Level results.

Last Thursday, on results day, the college revealed two-thirds of its 363 A Level students achieved C or above, with a third of them gaining A or A*.

This year, 14 A Level subjects offered by the college achieved a 100% pass rate and 99% of T Level students passed.

A quarter of students completed an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), with a third of these students achieving A* or A.

The EPQ at A level is an independent research project that allows students to explore a topic of their choice in depth, culminating in a dissertation, investigation, or creative artefact.

The EPQ sits in high regard with universities, as it fosters critical thinking and independent learning skills, and the students gain valuable research/presentation skills.

Matt Ridgill, the college’s assistant principal for academic education, said: “We are incredibly proud of our students for their dedication to their education.

“We have upheld the high standards set for our students, and we take great satisfaction in providing them with a broad range of both practical and emotional support, all of which contributes to their exam readiness.

“These outcomes demonstrate both their growth as people and their academic prowess.

“We are sure they have the abilities and tenacity to be successful in their chosen fields as they embark on the next chapter of their life.”

There have been 67 T Level students this year who gained an overall pass rate of 99%.

This included more than two thirds of students achieving a Merit or above, this being equivalent to three Bs at A level.

The college has increased its offering for T Levels to reflect local employment needs including Engineering and Manufacturing and Management and Administration.

Deputy principal Kate Martin said: “The structure of these qualifications, which have been co-designed and co-delivered by a wide range of employers, are a testament to the success of our T Level cohort, and these businesses have been instrumental in the students’ success.

“A high percentage of T-Level students received the highest possible grades – equivalent to three As or three Bs at A-level.”

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