Latest News | 26 March 2025

Business input sought for Investment Zone skills roadmap

University of Derby
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Businesses are invited to take part in a series of consultation events to help shape the skills roadmap for the new East Midlands Investment Zone.

The East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) is focused on establishing the East Midlands Investment Zone (EMIZ) as a national region of excellence for green technology investors and businesses.

It will also support investment to promote employment and productivity growth within target sectors.

Within the EMIZ programme, skills and business support will be delivered to unlock opportunities for business and to address barriers to private sector growth, creating more high-quality jobs and opportunities for residents.

A series of ‘Skills Sprints’ have been commissioned to enable the necessary baseline activity to be undertaken to understand and invest in skills (Level 2-7) across a range of sectors and disciplines.

Key contacts from industry, education and other key stakeholders are invited to contribute to the following skills workshops to help formulate a roadmap to address the known skills gaps.

  • Zero Emission Propulsion/Renewable Energy/Sustainable Advanced Manufacturing – Wednesday 2nd April 2025, 10am-3pm, Enterprise Centre, University of Derby.
  • Nuclear – Monday 28th April 2025, 9.30am-3pm, Nuclear Skills Academy, Derby.
  • Sector Relevant Skills Required for the Green Industries Transition – Tuesday 29th April 2025, 10am-1pm, Enterprise Centre, Derby.

    It is anticipated that the events will bring together key employers and the wider supply chain together with other organisations (both public and private) involved in the green industries and advanced manufacturing sectors.

    The East Midlands Investment Zone (EMIZ) has been allocated £160 million in funding over 10 years.

    It will support investment proposals and business cases, for developing new technologies, skills and training, and for research, innovation roadmaps and pilot projects in support of developing the sector priorities.

    The EMIZ will offer tax incentives to speed up new development on the three designated sites: Infinity Park in Derby, Hartington-Staveley in Chesterfield, and The Explore Park in Worksop. It will also allow the region to retain 100% of business rates receipts from additional growth on these sites for 25 years. Activity on the sites will also be eligible for funding support.

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