Latest News | 14 December 2022

Bondholders team up to promote apprenticeships

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Purpose Media and EMA Training have joined forces to promote growth and employment opportunities for young people wishing to pursue an apprenticeship.

Marketing agency Purpose Media has been using apprenticeship provider EMA Training for many years to meet its needs for IT and digital marketing apprentices.

The latest partnership will see them combine skills to enable EMA to promote apprenticeship opportunities to the wider East Midlands market.

Tracey Mosley, chief executive at EMA, said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website, in partnership with Purpose Media.

“As an East Midlands apprenticeship training provider, we work closely with local employers to ensure career employment opportunities are accessible.

“This would not be possible without the support of employers such as Purpose Media who, as one of our employer clients, provide guidance, employment, and progression opportunities to those starting their careers.”

Chloé Farmer, EMA’s head of marketing said: “Our new, innovative website aims to inspire and guide school leavers, young professionals, parents, and employers.

“Purpose Media has provided us with an accessible and appealing platform to attract, inform and educate them of the benefits of apprenticeships.

“Even today we find that many people do not fully understand apprenticeships and our website aims to dispel the myths.”

Grace Golden, head of client growth from Purpose Media, said: “Over our 14-year company history, Purpose Media has a long track record of nurturing apprentices, in fact many are now in senior management roles.

“Co-incidentally, Ruby Birks, who has project managed the work for EMA Training is a former apprentice who has recently won two apprentice of the year awards, so this shows how beneficial apprenticeships can be in kickstarting a career journey.

“We are delighted to be partnering further with EMA to create more employment opportunities for young people.”

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