Latest News | 4 September 2024
Accountancy firm expands footprint with latest merger

Streets Chartered Accountants has expanded its footprint further with another significant merger.
The company has moved for Preston-based practice Turner Accountants, creating Streets Turner Chartered Accountants.
The deal is one of more than seven completed by Streets in the last 18 months, with the firm now having more than 26 offices and fee income in excess of £35 million.

Streets managing partner Paul Tutin said: “In line with our strategy to become a truly UK practice we are looking at and working with a number of firms looking to become part of Streets.
“The merger of Turner Accountants in Preston is the latest in line with our plans to expand our geographical coverage and provides us with an ideal presence in Lancashire.
“We were delighted to enter into a conversation with Mike Turner and his team at Turner Accountants.
“Very early on in our discussions it was clear that we shared the same vision and values for the profession and for supporting our clients.
“Looking ahead, with a number of further mergers and acquisitions in the pipeline, which include a number of practices across the UK, we are on track to achieve our target revenue of £40 million by the end of the year.
“The profession is going through significant consolidation with heightened levels of merger and acquisition.
“In contrast to many, our approach seeks to build on the success of merging firms, ensuring we retain and build on their winning approach.
“An approach we believe is particularly liked by many of those looking to exit routes, the challenge of growing their practice or facing increased competition and the need to widen their service offering.”