Latest News | 14 September 2021

Derby Arena reopens for sports and events

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Derby Arena has reopened its doors for sports and events after its tenure as a mass vaccination centre came to an end.

With Covid-19 vaccinations moving to Midland House, the arena can now once again welcome visitors safely to enjoy exciting shows and track cycling.

While the gym and health and fitness facilities were able to remain open when government restrictions allowed, a number of scheduled shows had to be postponed and the velodrome had to stay closed.

Now, the arena has announced details of forthcoming events, including its Christmas pantomime Sleeping Beauty, and started to accept bookings for track cycling sessions.

Councillor Ross McCristal, cabinet member for wellbeing, leisure, culture and tourism at Derby City Council, said: “No-one could have predicted how Derby Arena would help so many of us increase our protection against Covid-19. Everyone involved in running the mass vaccination centre should feel rightly proud.

“Now that vaccinations have moved to their new location at Midland House, it’s time to get back on track and let Derby Arena do what it does best. It’s time to start coming back to enjoy what we’ve missed, while continuing to Do the Right Thing for Derby and treating each other with consideration.”

For more information about events at Derby Arena please click here.

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