Latest News | 16 February 2021

Bondholders urged to take part in virtual sleep out

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YMCA Derbyshire is asking for support to help raise vital funds for homeless young people at its first ever Virtual Sleep Easy event.

Usually, the event takes place in the Derbyshire County Cricket Club car park.

But due to current Covid-19 restrictions, the charity has decided to move the event to Friday 26th March, and it will be hosted online.

The night involves participants best replicating what it is like to sleep on the streets.

This could be in a cardboard shelter in the garden, sleeping under a canopy or in a tent, or some may choose to spend a night on their sofa.

Sleep Easy is the biggest fundraiser of the year for YMCA Derbyshire and, according to the charity, the need to raise these funds is even more important than ever.

Over the last year, the charity has reported a huge increase in the need for its services, with young people and communities supported by YMCA Derbyshire finding themselves struggling more with their mental health, food poverty, isolation and loneliness and unemployment.

Participants for the virtual Sleep Easy event will get a link to a live stream of content throughout the evening via YouTube.

YMCA Derbyshire team will be on hand throughout the event for any questions or support.

Gillian Sewell, chief executive of YMCA Derbyshire, said: “This is our 11th year hosting this huge event, which is so important in our mission to continue changing young people’s lives in Derbyshire.

“It’s going to be strange not meeting up with our wonderful community at Derbyshire County Cricket Club but we really hope to recreate the same kind of atmosphere virtually.

“We’d like to thank every single person that supports us through this event in advance. You are making such a difference to so many.”

For more information, or to sign up to the event, please click here.

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