Investment News | 19 August 2020

Glossop's catalyst for regeneration

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Ambitious plans to transform Glossop’s heritage halls, the catalyst for the town’s regeneration, have been shortlisted to receive £2.078 million of Government funding.

High Peak Borough Council’s bid to the Government’s 'Getting Building' fund, via the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, is for a once-in-a-generation project to bring the Town Hall, Market Hall and Municipal Buildings up to modern standards, creating jobs and new spaces for entrepreneurs and micro-businesses alongside the introduction of energy saving technologies and fibre broadband.

Councillor Anthony Mckeown, Leader of the Borough Council, said: “We’re delighted that Glossop Halls has been shortlisted for this funding subject to the approval of the business case.

“We have long been committed to transforming these buildings which are so important to local residents and the wider community as well as being at the heart of our regeneration plans so this is really exciting news.”

The Borough Council has already invested significantly in the buildings with the first big project in the programme being the replacement of the Town Hall roof and the restoration of the clock.

Councillor Damien Greenhalgh, Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Regeneration, Tourism and Leisure, said: “The funding that’s now been earmarked is substantial and it means that the transformation of these buildings can be completed as a single, phased project over the next couple of years.

“Our clear vision is to create a thriving, vibrant town centre and rejuvenating these buildings is central to this – they really will be the jewel in our town’s crown. This news really has given everyone involved in the project a real boost and we’re all looking forward to getting stuck in to the business case and demonstrating the positive impact this investment will have on Glossop.”


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