Latest News | 13 August 2020

Site extension at Toyota

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Work is underway on an extension at Bondholder Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK's plant at Burnaston which will allow it to store an extra 3,500 vehicles on site.

The extension of its despatch yard to cover 15 acres, sited next to the plant's solar farm, will store newly made cars ahead of export to European dealerships.

A revolutionary road construction technique called RoadCem, first developed in the Netherlands, is being used on the extension, reducing the need to remove material to landfill via an estimated 3000 lorry journeys. The civil engineering design for the project has been provided by fellow Bondholder Rodgers Leask.

On a recent visit to the site, South Derbyshire MP Heather Wheeler said: “We are all too aware of the impact of climate change and the need to protect the environment so I was delighted to be invited to see a revolutionary road construction being used to build a new Derby Hub at the Toyota site in Burnaston.”

Ashbourne-based Whitehouse Construction is delivering the RoadCem system on the project. Heather Wheeler MP added: “I was very impressed and will be speaking to ministers about RoadCem. I am sure it is the future of road building and hope to see it rolled out across Derbyshire and the UK.”

Andy Leask, Director of Rodgers Leask commented: “We are proud to be associated with this project where we acted as both the design consultant for PowerCem and the civil engineering designer for the main contractor Whitehouse Construction.

“Its great to see the support from our local MP Heather Wheeler for this Derby success story, she makes some very valid points with regard to the future of road construction in the UK and how both central governement and local authorities could adopt this technology in the future for their highways networks.”


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