Latest News | 13 August 2020

All Well and good

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The lead partner behind the annual Derby Festé, Bondholder Déda has launched the Derby Well campaign.

Derby Well could look like this

Derby Festé was due to be held at the end of September and has traditionally involved a weekend of high quality and cutting-edge outdoor entertainment featuring some of Europe’s top performance companies.

Due to the pandemic, organisers have reinvented this year’s Derby Festé.

This year, the Derby Well initiative, launching on 26th September around the city, brings together key cultural partners to showcase the city’s arts and cultural calibre through a virtual and physical performance and events programme, supporting artists back into work, encouraging people back into the city centre in a safe and socially distanced way and contributing to the wellbeing of city communities by engaging with wider audiences.

Déda and other cultural organisations are working on the delivery of the Derby Well Re-dressed trail which will consist of contemporary Well Dressings that will have been created by the public. These installations will embrace experiences, memories, hopes and ambitions – from individual lockdown journeys through to the new normal – and will be sited across the city for visitors to enjoy in an appropriate and safe way.

Steve Slater

Discussions are also underway to incorporate a Derby Well entertainment element to the al fresco dining which has recently been launched in the Market Place earlier this summer by fellow Bondholder Derby City Council.

Steve Slater, director of Déda, said: “Since 2007, Derby Festé has existed to bring surprise, enlightenment, entertainment and amusement to local communities and visitors alike.”

Speaking about the Festé/Derby Well idea, Steve added: “This will be the perfect way to proclaim the city’s strength and ability to overcome the pandemic with care and kindness, humanity, creativity and love.

“Moving forwards, we hope to broaden the Derby Well theme to showcase, celebrate and mark a wide range of milestones and landmarks in the city – working in partnership with partners from all walks of life from culture to business.

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