Latest News | 2 June 2020

Smith’s safe return

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As one of the first local companies to take advantage of Bondholder HSG's offer of a free Hygiene Audit, fellow Bondholder Smith Partnership is now ready to re-open its offices.

HSG’s technical team has reviewed Smith Partnership’s head office in Friar Gate, Derby – visiting at a safe social distance – where partners are looking at a range of measures to ensure a safe return to work for some staff and appropriate access for clients.

Smith Partnership Partner, Fraser Cunningham, explained: “HSG’s Hygiene Audit has effectively been a fresh pair of eyes on how we can re-configure the offices to enable safe social distancing, where we need hand sanitiser stations and the positioning of signs and mats. The process has reassured us that the measures we had already considered are achievable and given us extra food for thought on issues we had not previously considered.

“Having been alerted to the offer through the Marketing Derby eShot, it was also great to work with a fellow Bondholder who has the expertise to ensure we move forward with an appropriate plan in place.”


HSG Managing Director, Simon Rice, added: “We have had a good response to the Hygiene Audit offer – particularly from fellow Bondholders. Our technical team are currently visiting various workplaces – at a safe social distance – and compiling a report with recommendations on a number of simple measures that businesses can take as they start to re-open premises.

“We hope that this will give businesses peace of mind that they are fully prepared to re-open their doors and to provide reassurance to their staff and customers that measures have been taken to protect their health and well-being in these continued challenging times.”


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