Latest News | 24 April 2020

BIDs' support for businesses

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Bondholders the Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter are stepping up to help local businesses exchange advice and services.

The city centre BIDs' new initiatives include a Facebook Group ‘CQ and SPQ businesses supporting businesses’ that has been set up to encourage business owners to interact and support each other.

Meanwhile, the team behind the Cathedral Quarter and St Peters Quarter BIDs is continuing to update businesses via its websites, e-bulletins and social media with the latest official advice and guidance as well business support that is available to them.

One of the new projects is a comprehensive Business Support guide which is regularly being updated with the latest official guidelines and covers everything from how to apply for the business grants to information for individuals regarding mortgage holidays.


Martin Langsdale, chair of the the Cathedral Quarter BID, said: “The objective during the lockdown is to ensure business continuity both of the BID and the businesses who operate in our area. The team continues to have good engagement with businesses and receives a number of calls a day asking for advice and guidance on a range of issues.”

Rangers employed in both areas continue to undertake daily patrols of the city centre to check on closed or empty properties with any damage reported to the owners, police or city council.

Helen Wathall, chair of the St Peters Quarter BID, added: “Our Rangers are the eyes and ears in this area and I know that their daily patrols are welcomed – particularly by owners of businesses who are not able to open during lockdown.

“We are also keen to maintain the area’s online presence with reminders of the work that has been achieved by both of the BID’s with the #Lockdownlookback project as well as SPQ Lockdown Live which is a weekly Facebook Live programme of entertainment by artists who have been part of our street entertainment events in the past.”

For further information, please visit and and follow on social media channels.


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