Investment News | 15 December 2020

Chesterfield gateway plan takes major step forward

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Ambitious regeneration plans to create a new gateway for Chesterfield have taken a major step forward.

Chesterfield Borough Council has taken a part freehold, part leasehold interest in the former Chesterfield Hotel site.

It will now work with contractors to clear out and demolish the derelict building, which has stood empty since it shut its doors in 2015.

The site is highlighted as a key development opportunity in the emerging HS2 Station Masterplan, which aims to harness the opportunities presented by HS2 and revitalise the area around Chesterfield Train Station.

Councillor Tricia Gilby, leader of the borough council, said: “Chesterfield Hotel was a significant building and a venue that has served the town well over the years.

“Sadly, the costs to remodel and refurbish the building to bring it back into productive use are too high and it is deemed an unviable option as compared with redevelopment of the site.

“The building has fallen into disrepair and is, unfortunately, now regarded as a safety risk and an eyesore on this key route from the train station.

“We must act to bring this area back to life, as part of our wider plans to revitalise this important gateway to our town.”

Work has started to clear and strip out the inside of the building before full demolition, which is expected to start in spring next year.

It is proposed that a temporary surface car park will be created in its place, while plans for the future use of the site are developed as part of the emerging HS2 Station Masterplan.

Cllr Gilby said: “This is a major step forward for our long-term plan to harness the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presented to us by HS2.

“To make the most of it we must invest in the delivery of new housing, as well as business and commercial development around Chesterfield station.

“Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, Chesterfield continues to move forward.

“Town centre regeneration is a key element of the council’s Economic Recovery Plan, which will put Chesterfield in the strongest position to bounce back from the far-reaching impacts of Covid-19.”

The council is currently finalising the HS2 Station Masterplan, which will be subject to public consultation in the first part of next year.

The land purchase has been funded through the HS2 Strategic Sites project, which was awarded £2.4 million from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership earlier in the year.

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