Latest News | 1 March 2016
£500,000 funding for culture organisations

A consortium of creative and cultural organisations across Nottingham and Derby have been awarded £500,000 from Art Council England's Creative Local Growth Fund.
'The Big House' initiative is a collaboration between Bondholders Derby QUAD and Derby Theatre as well as The Creative Quarter Company, Nottingham's New Art Exchange and Broadway Nottingham.
The initiative will support more than 200 local businesses and 90 new enterprises – building on D2N2's plans for economic growth in the region's creative and digital industries. Support includes planning, marketing and finance advise as well as digital and technical expertise.
The consortium also includes the University of Derby, Nottingham Trent University and Nottingham City Council.
Adam Buss, Chief Executive of Derby QUAD, said: “The Big House programme will provide creative and digital businesses with support truly tailored to their needs and ambitions, whether they're a start-up or a SME with the potential to really grow. Our role will be to deliver both a real and virtual support and advocacy network, for digital creatives in Derby and Derbyshire, as well as peer-to-peer learning.”
Sarah Brigham, Artistic Director and Chief Executive of Derby Theatre, said: “Our role will involve delivering a series of professional masterclasses as well as mentoring and peer-to-peer skill exchange workshops for emerging theatre companies, to develop an exciting new range of performances. This will build on the success of the In Good Company professional development programme for artists in the East Midlands.”
The initiative is one of just nine initiatives in England to be awarded funding.
“The Big House programme will provide creative and digital businesses with support truly tailored to their needs and ambitions”
“Our role will involve delivering a series of professional masterclasses as well as mentoring and peer-to-peer skill exchange workshops for emerging theatre companies”