Latest News | 11 February 2016

Lottery winner picks Rhodes

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Bondholder Rhodes Wealth Management has been chosen by a £2.6 million lottery winner to manage his newfound wealth.

Matt Evans, who is a postman, had already been friends with the director of Rhodes Wealth Management, Adam Rhodes, for over a decade so the choice was a natural one.

Matt said: “I met Adam and we completed some cash flow modeling to give examples of what could happen to my money based on a number of scenarios. This has helped me understand how my fortune will grow, what I can spend now and how to invest wisely to ensure I have a regular income.”

Adam Rhodes commented: “To suddenly come into such a fortune can be quite a shock. Whilst it might solve many initial problems, instant wealth can make life more complex and lottery winners particularly can be prone to making poor decisions and being overly generous.”

Before his lottery win, Matt lived with his mum and dad and their seven dogs. He still lives in the same town but now owns his own substantial property and a new BMW M6.

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