Latest News | 25 August 2015
East Midlands Trains Beats Expectations
Bondholder East Midlands Trains' customers continue to be amongst the most satisfied rail travellers in the UK, according to new figures released by independent watchdog, Transport Focus.
The latest customer research shows that 89% of customers are satisfied with their East Midlands Trains' service, marking a 2% year-on-year increase, with satisfaction also 9% higher than the national average. The figures demonstrate the highest level of satisfaction ever recorded for East Midlands Trains in a survey carried out during the Spring.
There have been marked increases in satisfaction with East Midlands Trains' stations, with overall satisfaction with the station rising to 88%, a 5% year-on-year increase. The upkeep and repair of stations and cleanliness were also rated highly, helping to drive a 6% increase in the category of 'overall station environment'.
Since the start of the East Midlands Trains franchise in 2007, more than £300 million has been invested in improvements to stations including the major improvement work to transform Nottingham's railway station. Over the past 12 months more than £700,000 has been spent on accessibility improvements at 39 different stations to make it easier for customers.