Latest News | 10 February 2015
Rolls-Royce Wins Contracts worth $582 million

Across the past seven days Bondholder Rolls-Royce has closed two deals worth a total of $582 million, one of which is for an airline new to the company.
Indonesian airline, Lion Air, chose the Trent 700 engines to power three Airbus A330ceo aircraft worth $140 million. The Trent 700 delivers the best fuel burn, emissions and noise performance, resulting in market leadership.
“We have been impressed with the Trent 700’s performance record, and after a thorough evaluation of our options, the engine was the natural choice for this important fleet expansion.”
Following the news, just yesterday the hi-tech giant won three contracts worth up to $442 million to produce and support LiftSystems for the F-35B Lightning II aircraft. They cover low rate initial production of 17 LiftSystems for F-25B aircraft plus support for two contract periods, known as LRIP 7 and LRIP 8.
“Rolls-Royce remains committed to reducing LiftSystem costs to meet affordability requirements for the F-35 Lightning II programme.”