Communities & charity

SV2 – Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence Ltd.

SV2 is Derbyshire’s leading charity commissioned to support anyone who has experienced sexual abuse.  SV2 supports all genders from any age regardless of when their experience of sexual abuse occurred and whether they have reported the crime to police or not.

We do not work with perpetrators.

SV2 is funded by a variety of sources including, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Ministry of Justice, Children in Need, the National Lottery Community Fund, NHS England and Integrated Care Boards.

SV2’s work is overseen by a Board of Trustees which has responsibility for ensuring the charity delivers its aims of:

  1. Reducing the impact of rape and sexual abuse on victims (all genders) and their families
  2. Encouraging reporting of rape and sexual abuse
  3. Supporting victims through the legal process
  4. Reducing the incidence of rape and sexual abuse by raising awareness

We support around 1,000 children and adults a year across Derbyshire

By raising awareness of rape and sexual assault, educating professionals and students we aim to make Derby and Derbyshire a safer place to live, work and study.

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