Business & IT services

Marked Improvement E-learning

We set up, host, support and maintain online learning platforms for clients across the corporate and public sectors.

Originally part of the University of Derby, we have been an independent company since 2015. Based in Derby, we also have an office in Barcelona, with clients across Europe as well as in the UK.

Our local clients and partners include some of the area’s main employers: Toyota; Royal Derby Hospital; University of Derby. Our Coursebeam LMS platform currently has around 100,000 registered users across our client installations. The platform offers over 3000 off-the-shelf e-learning courses on a ‘pay as you go’ basis for internal staff training, but many of our clients commission us to develop their own bespoke courses for them to sell through the platform to their customers.

With regard to staff training, the platform is particularly beneficial in sectors where there are significant compliance requirements, as system admins and managers can run off detailed reports on training undertaken.

The Bondholder community seems to offer regular high quality opportunities for networking with Derby and Derbyshire based businesses, in a way that (despite being a local business) we have not done before.

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