Skills development & recruitment

EMA Training

EMA Training Limited have a passion for making an impact, providing customer service excellence and supporting young people wishing to embark in a career within the Accounting, Payroll, IT and Digital Marketing Sectors.

Our mission

To attract and retain the best young talent in the Derby and wider East Midlands business area by developing outstanding apprenticeship opportunities with the local community.

Our values

  • Collaborative: Working in partnership with our key stakeholders to develop effective solutions

  • Integrity: Operating in an ethical, open, professional and honest way

  • Service: Providing outstanding advice, guidance and support to our customers so they feel well informed and empowered

  • Experience: A focus on ensuring the highest quality of customer experience to our learners and employer partners

  • Respect: Internal and external stakeholders are treated with respect and dignity at all times

  • Innovate: Exploring new technologies, platforms and software to ensure we maximise quality and effectiveness of delivery

Want to become a bondholder?

Katie Wells

Lindsey Hatfield

Commercial Development Manager








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