Latest News | 7 June 2022

Accountancy boss shares top tips

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The co-founder of Vibrant Accountancy has shared her top tips with fellow professionals at one of Europe’s largest annual business events.

Bev Wakefield was one of the guest speakers at the Accountex conference, which recently took place in London.

The event was a chance for professionals in the accountancy and financial profession to come together to talk about how to shape the future of one of the fastest-growing industries.

Bev, who set up Vibrant with business partner Ian Ball in 2019, said: “It was an absolute pleasure to be speaking at Accountex.

“Our industry is ever-changing, and the event was a good opportunity to hear of advances in tools, technology and to share ideas on how to improve the sector further.

“We like to think of ourselves as forward-thinking at Vibrant Accountancy; we don’t just crunch the numbers – we focus on partnerships and helping others to thrive with our holistic approach.

“But there is always room for improvement, and I learned so much about how others have navigated their business over the past couple of years, the technology and systems that have made life simpler for them, and where they see the future of the industry is heading.”

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