Latest News | 9 May 2022

Expert offers top tips on pay rises

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The owner of ActionCOACH Derby has shared his expertise on how to successfully ask for a pay rise – after a survey revealed that women who ask for pay rises are less successful than men.

In his career, Tony Prueitt has worked with major global organisations and high-profile, city-based SMEs, including award-winning clothing business Fox Wholesale Vintage.

And he has decided to reveal some of his top tips after a YouGov poll found that one in five women who ask for a pay rise are given the thumbs-up from their bosses compared with just under a third of men.

Tony said: “Don’t push too hard. Times are hard for everyone right now with the increase in the cost of living – but don’t be a pushover. Strike that balance and make your case.

“Ask when things are going well. The best time to request a raise is when you’re being asked to increase your workload or when you’ve just completed a big assignment.

“Do your research, too – how much are you worth in the marketplace? Are you underpaid compared to your peers?

“Think like your boss and don’t lose your cool! That’s essential. You want to show your boss that you’re valuable and committed member of the team.

“Ask for more responsibility. Maybe taking on more responsibility or widening your role will make their lives easier or eliminate the need to hire another person. This way, you’re freeing up capital for your raise while saving the company money.

“And, finally, if the answer is ‘no’ don’t leave empty-handed. Ask what you can do to earn it in the future.”

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